but, we made it out and went to a play with the whole fam. It took two loads of people in the car, lots of slush, a disastrous trip across Burnside with two children, two hot chocolates, and a coffee. Not to mention Carson's doll and purse and Sam's Totoro bag. We climbed over hills of plowed snow and stepped in rivers of melting ice while getting rained on just to see Biglittle Things. It was well worth it. It was sort of a mime, dance, clown troop and it was fabululous. There were great costumes and masks and the characters came up into the crowd. Literally....they climbed all over us. The children LOVED it. The adults loved it. I even ran into a fellow WVian. Noted by his WVU sweatshirt worn proudly. Carson had her new American Girl doll with her and the little girl sitting in front of her had her new American Girl doll with her and they waved to each other. So cute. Then two carload trips back home to have pizza and wine. I love holidays. Thanks Gma Dody for the tickets and the idea!