
Sam and Grampa at OMSI

Who had the most fun? It was close. We spent the day keeping gma and gpa company while their house is in destruction mode for a remodel. I can't wait to see it. We went to breakfast, window shopping, and OMSI. I am thankful for the days I spend with Sam. I can't believe (or can't wait) for him to start Kindergarten.

The 4 year old sleepover.

What to do with two four-year-olds? Why take them to the cemetery, of course. Then they can talk about dead people and zombie ghosts while I look for moss and terrarium stuff.
OK, let me explain. The other day I went shopping with D&N and we saw some awesome terrariums for about 190$. So I figured I could make one for 10$. I found this awesome glass bowl in a teak wooden holder for 7.99$ at the goodwill on Friday and bought some potting soil for 3.00$. So, I took the kids to the cemetery and we scooped moss off of the walls and rocks. We had one rule.....do not scrape moss off of the headstones or you will have 100 years of bad luck.

Friends or Enemies?

You decide.