Peterson's Rock Garden. This was a bizarre side trip about 3 miles off the main road. When we drove onto the property I immediately knew we had found a hidden treasure. There were roaming peacocks and a horse and the place was unkempt.
The Petersen Rock Gardens were started in 1935 by Rasmus Petersen. Mr. Petersen was born in Denmark July 21, 1883, and came to Central Oregon in 1906.
Here he built his home and began farming, gradually buying land until he had nearly 300 acres under cultivation. By 1935, he had time to devote to his own back yard, and began by building a small rockery a few feet west of his house.
As his friends came and admired his handiwork- and brought their friends- he continued to build. He learned where to find the various kinds of rocks that he eventually came to use as he covered four acres with castles, ponds and bridges.
Almost all the rocks he used came from within a n 85 mile radius of the Gardens. Included are petrified wood, agate, jasper, thundereggs, malachite, lava and obsidian.