Wow. The Dody's have really been rolling. We have been partying nonstop for one month. This is the way life should be lived. Full of family and friends who are like family. My cheeks hurt from smiles and laughing. But this morning there is calm in my house. I am drinking coffee and sitting down with quiet.
It started with my mom's visit. She was here for a few days and we filled the trip up with outings and fun. Then Sharon's brother, Jeff, was here for a weekend to visit before moving to London. We spent three days Pickathoning and then Rock camp for Carson started.
Last week the Kempens and the Luciani/Charles family landed in Portland and we spent three days in Portland and three days in Rockaway beach. Our fantastic neighbors, Maggie and Melissa, offered up their guest room to Anne and Anna which was way beyond neighborly love.
We took the 6 adults and 5 kids to Rockaway Beach and rented an awesome beach house. We rode bikes, played foosball and pool, sat by a fire each night with smores, played on the beach, had hot tub fun and got to know each other a little better. Sharon and I felt like the grampa and gramma of the trip. (Sharon actually looked like a grampa one day). The last day of the trip, Jose and Manu landed in Rockaway to have some fun with us. The beach looked like and old tree cemetary and there were forts everywhere. The kids had fun making club houses and the grown-ups tried to build forts too.
This morning there is quiet. This morning there is quiet. This morning there is quiet. But I am ready to start all over again.