After a weekend of Pickathon (photos to come....?), we have gotten our Hoop on. Carson got educated by all the true hippies on making and using your own hoops. She learned the art of neck hooping and has a full routine! Wow. If you want to make a is the trick.....
1. Buy the plumbing tubing. We bought 100 feet for 17$ at home depot. Carson was super exited to have enough for a dozen hoops of all sizes.
2. Get the connectors.
3. Cut to the length you want. The bigger the better is what I heard.
4. Heat up the ends of the tubing with a hairdryer and shove in the connectors. Tape over seam with duct tape.
5. Decorate with "fancy tape".
6. Hoop!
Here are the how-to photos. And a special one of a lady who was on "something special" wearing a 70s jump suit and hooping away.