This is a doily angel ornament that my gramma shaffer gave to sharon when we first met. I left the tag on it and hang it on our tree every year.

I love all the ornaments that have made it through my childhood. I have a nurse and doctor wooden ornaments that I remember from long ago. I also have some ceramic ornaments that I painted in the first or second grade. Somehow or another I have my own with KAS (my initials) on the back and also one with TJW (traci walker's). Maybe I should send it back to her as a suprise. This is a picture of Lulu waiting patiently whilst the cat climbs the tree.

This is my stocking boot. My father had it made for me or else he made it for me. He died 28 years ago, so this is pretty old. Every year when it comes out of the box I hope it hasn't gotten broken.

These are my special angels that my gramma shaffer had in her house every year at christmas. I could look at these for hours. The little girl is a music box. When I was little, she wrote my name on the bottom of them beside the pricetag from Hills Department Store ( which was the local version of Kmart). I love these little angels.
Things I wish I had still---My mom always made ceramics and there was a huge santa head platter that we used every Christmas for cookies. I don't know what happened to it, but I think of it every Christmas. She also made those Christmas Trees with the little lights that you put in the holes. I don't think any of those made it either.
These are lovely; thanks for sharing the things that are precious to you.
They remind me so much of the christmas decorations I've gotten over the years from my grandma in Battle Creek. Crocheted angels, kissing angels - check! Ceramic platters (my grandma was also a ceramics queen) and christmas trees - check! I still have a couple of trees that have survived almost 40 years of being moved around. I love that my kids are just as impressed with these things as I am. They don't understand the sentimental value - they just think of it as "cool."
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