Silver Falls! Wow. This was an Oregon State park about 1 1/2 hours from Portland. The kids woke me up with breakfast in bed complete with coffee and flowers! We loaded in the car and drove to Silver Falls. Looks like a super fun place to camp this summer. There are 10 waterfalls on a 9 mile loop. We went to the South Falls, the North Falls, and the Upper North Falls........Unbelievably beautiful. All was well until we were hiking behind the South Falls and Sharon smacked her head on a low rock and started to bleed... a lot. I was completely unprepared and we had to hold pressure on her head with a park map. The photo is after the clean up with the map and a nice lady's wad of toilet paper she had in her pocket! Happy Mother's Day Sharon!
I'll expand on Lenora's comment with my Haiku: Sunday outing -- ouch! ****
Blood dripping, Oh no, what now? **** All's well that end's well.
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