
today's food cart menu

Sharon and I met today for lunch at the carts. Japanese Samurai and Addy's Sandwich Cart. Yes, that is tuna salad with sliced hard boiled eggs on perfect crispy baguette. YUM!

Those smiles are all fake!!!!

Finally made it to see the Vaux's Swifts at Chapman Elementary. We watched THOUSANDS of the little birds funnel into the school chimney while we were sitting on the HARD HARD ground. We kept thinking the last of them had surely come when another huge group would fly in. Finally, at the very end, the Cooper's Hawk swooped in for a kill. Sam asked....."Why would a bird eat a bird"? Which I thought was a very good question. I have a bunch of pictures of the "serious" Dodys, and then came across this one. I think you were faking for me. Did you drink the smile juice or something?

"Swifts are insect eating birds that migrate south each fall. At sunset during migration they choose a place where dozens to thousands of birds can roost. Since the late 1980’s the Chapman chimney has been one of these roosting sites".


Corn De-cobber

We started off today with a great idea to go to Milwaukie (OR) and eat breakfast at Bob's Mill store and restaurant then go to Dave's Killer Seed Bread store. I had BOGO coupons for the Dave's Bread store and breakfast. We got lost driving there and then found it 1/2 hour before they opened. So we waited. Turns out Dave's was BOGO anyway today so I got four loaves of bread. Of course, I read the hours for Bob's wrong and they were closed........Came back to Portland for lunch on Hawthorne at the old stand-by. Shopped for produce and spices at Sheridan Fruit Company and then home to cook a yummy dinner (actually, Sharon is cooking). She is making a yummy looking roasted corn, onion, and chili salad and veggie pesto BLTs. Conveniently, SOMEONE gave me a corn de-cobber for just this occasion.